What it's like being an Introvert

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

I am so so so beyond excited to write about a certain personality type today! As an introvert myself, I’m really excited to explain my perspective and hopefully, speak for my fellow friends that share a similar personality.

 First off, being introverted is not a bad thing! In our American culture, being reserved and shy has negative connotations. These types of people sit in the back of class and don’t have any friends. They are loners who have 10 cats right? No. Haha. Being introverted doesn’t necessarily mean you are shy. It just means it takes a little time and effort to break through the outer shell. Once you get to know an introvert, they can be just as fun and outgoing as an extrovert. 

As an introvert, I don’t feel comfortable being the center of attention. I love meeting new people and telling them about myself, just not in a big group. I do best when I’m spending time with 1-2 people. I don’t like to pressure others to talk or stop talking. I like having complete freedom to share as much or as little as I want, and I want others to feel the same. 

My friends are a mix of extroverts & introverts, and I freakin love them all! I love the energy that my extroverted friends have and I don’t feel overshadowed by them because I just enjoy our differences. I actually think introverts and extroverts fit very well together because there isn’t a huge need for competition. My introverted friends and I have a very special connection based on the fact that we understand each other and look at the world through the same lens. There may sometimes be silences between us, but they are not awkward silences. They are simply moments of quiet where we are thinking or in our heads, and this is one of my favorite things to experience with another person. It’s really cool to have this kind of diversity in friendships. 

So… my personality and many of yours perhaps goes like this: I get nervous when I get in groups. I don’t like parties with people I don’t know. I’m very creative with art & music. I’m cool and fun when you get to know me and I’m very open minded & accepting. I’m shy and reserved a lot of the time. I’m scared to do super adventurous active things, but very brave when it comes to going new places, meeting new people, and trying new foods. I love having deep discussions about life and the world. I remember people very well who have impacted my life, and my close friends are very close. I spend a lot of time thinking and coming up with new ideas and I perform best when no competition is involved.

If you share any of these traits, I would LOVE to hear from you. Tell me your experience. What do you struggle with and what do you love about your personality?

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