5 ways to make your marriage magical

Thursday, July 19, 2018

A few months ago, I saw Tony Robbins with one of my best friends. I had no idea what to expect, and surprisingly, I came out with some amazing relationship advice. One of my favorite quotes from his conference was… “do what you did in the beginning of your relationship, and there won’t be an end.”

 We are surrounded by “perfect” couples, right? On Instagram, Pinterest, TV and even in real life! We see these people that are so happy and it looks like they are a match made in heaven. I know all couples are different, and if you and your significant other are one of those couples that never disagree and are best friends 24/7, then you probably don’t need to read this. But, if you are like Matt & I…if you try your best to be happy together all the time, but behind closed doors you fight about stupid stuff, if you get on each-other’s nerves, if you have wonderful days together and have equally bad ones, then just know, you are not alone!

Going back to the quote… “do what you did in the beginning of your relationship, and there won’t be an end.” Below is a list of things coupes generally do when they are dating, but for some reason stop doing when comfort sets in. If you want to bring back a spark to your relationship, start doing these things now! Like right now guys. I promise it’ll be fun, and you might be surprised.

1.     Buy your partner small gifts & write them love notes. (This can be really fun. Leave candy bars on their pillow, or new socks in their drawer. Slip a cute note in their pocket before work.)
2.     Plan dates: When Matt and were dating he would plan the best dates! Once we made foil boats and raced them on a nearby stream. We played mini golf, went to the movies, went hiking etc… Planning a date will show your partner that you care about the time you spend together.
3.     Make-out: Wasn’t making out the best thing in the world during the dating stage? Yeah, things were new and fresh, and you may think it’s boring now haha, but try spicing things up with a little make out sesh. Touch each other and just be in the moment.
4.     Text literally alllll day: Remember freaking out when your man/woman would send you a text? It would make your heart flip and all you wanted to do was be with them? Well, it is unrealistic to text each other all day when you both have busy lives. But when you are apart, send each-other romantic texts, or just tell them something funny that happened that day.
5.     PDA: When you are so in love with someone that you cannot NOT kiss them even though a hundred people are surrounding you. Who cares if people are watching? You are married to someone you are madly in love with and you should show it to the world! Kiss, hold hands, walk arm in arm, and let everyone see. Pretend you are on your honey-moon.

There they are. My 5 ways to make your marriage magical. I cannot stress this enough: When you start getting complacent, things start moving backwards. The cool thing about this, is you can start anytime and you can restart as many times as you need. Time is your friend, and you want to spend it with the person you love. 

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